Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day

This week I have been pretty depressed with Mother's Day coming. I have been thinking about Jack a lot, as always. Tomorrow is the 10th and Jack would have been 11 months old. His birth date just keeps falling on some emotional days. Also tomorrow at church they are doing a baby dedication for all the babies born this year. So my friend Charlotte, who does the children's ministry called and told me and asked what I would like to do for Jack. What they usually do is a slide show of the babies at newborn age, and then call the families up to the front and pray for the babies and their families as they grow, you know as the future of our church. It really is a sweet thing. This year just happens to be sad for me and Ryan. We have the newborn pictures, but not the baby to hold in front of the church. I did want his picture included, because he was born and lived this year, and he was a big part of our church. So we decided that Jack's picture will be included in the slide show. And then they will tell the church about the rocking chair in our nursery. I have been part of a Mom's Bible study for about 3 years now, and that Bible study group bought a gliding rocker for our nursery, and had a plaque made for the chair that has a butterfly, and it says, "In Loving Memory of Baby Jack". So I told Charlotte I would like her to just mention that dedication in Jack's name. That was such a sweet gesture. Sometimes after church I go sit in Jack's chair and just rock.

On a much lighter note...I attend a "Mother's Day tea" at Griffin's pre-school and had such a wonderful time. The three year old class worked very hard to make a special day for their Mommies. Griffin made a hand print in cement for me, she painted a portrait of me, made me a bracelet, a hat, and her teacher made us black and white silhouette profile of our child. It was really beautiful. Griffin served me tea and helped me decorate a little mini cake with icing, sprinkles, and m&ms. Very yummy. Enjoy the pictures. Especially my portrait by Griffin. I had a good belly laugh from that one.

Hope all the mommies have a great Mother's Day!

Mommy loves you Jack and Griffin. Good night to my two favorite kiddos! XOXOXO


Jill said...

Happy Mothers Day, hang in there! Sending up a little prayer for you! Love the pictures, looks like lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

I know it will be especially hard for you today. So, hug that sweet Griffin a little tighter today. Know that we love you and think of you often.

The Holtons said...

Hope you have had a great day with Griffin! What a sweet thing for the congregation to do, and I think the rocking chair is precious!

Charlotte said...

Hon, I love you so much! I hope we were able to make Mother's Day special for you. I had no idea that you sat in that chair after church - how sweet!

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