Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Florida Bible Camp and the Flu

Last week I went to work in the kitchen at Florida bible Camp. It was the week my church Argyle and Central go together. I grew up going to that camp for several summers and i wanted to go back and work in the kitchen. It was a blast. I went tuesday night and stayed til thursday night. Just a couple of days. While there I went tubing down the Itchatucknee (sp?) with all the campers. That was fun too. then on my way home thursday night I started feeling achey. i woke up Friday morning running a fever of 101.9. YUCK!! I haven't had a fever like that in a long time, and it has been kicking my butt ever since then. Here it is Wed. and still I am worn out. i think that I am getting better, but I just have NO energy. I hear that it was a nasty bug running through camp. Like 20 plus kids have gotten it on different levels. I'm ready to be done.


Patience Lawson said...

Hope you are feeling better soon! The flu is NO fun at all!

P.S. a skink is a big fat lizard type thing.. and he is layed up in the lawson garage.... GAG!!! :)

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I loved Florida Bible camp! HOpe you are feeling better soon.

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