Tuesday, March 10, 2009

9 months old

Today Jack would be 9 months old. This is some of my favorite times in a baby's life. They are so cuddly and chubby. They are usually crawling and starting to pull up on everything. They have so much personality and attitude. They are babbling and maybe saying a few funny words, and eatting little finger food snacks. So much that I miss and try to picture of my Baby Jack.

People ask me if it is getting easier, and the answer is NO! It become managable, but not easier. I can set aside time to grieve most of the time, but sometimes something will hit you and you can't help but fall apart. I really try to concentrate on the happy times and the positive times, and find ways to honor his life. That is all for now.


Anonymous said...

what a great scrapbook for you to cherish and remember forever. I can imagine how hard it is, and hope that one day it does get easier for you.

Cheri said...

Amanda,I'm sure at times the past nine months have felt like nine days and at other times it has felt like nine years. Remember that the same Jesus that holds baby Jack, holds you. And the same Jesus that has healed baby Jack and given him a new, healthy body will heal your heart and make it whole. The saying "time heals all wounds" is a myth. Unfortunately, it is a path you have to walk, but if you walk it with Jesus, one day it won't hurt so bad. You will be amazed that He can actually heal a heart that is as broken as yours. But He can and He will.
Bless You Today,
Mary Jo's cousin-Cheri

Mrs. Henry said...

Girl. I am amazed by your continued strength and courage. I know that you feel God's love, because it radiates from you. I hope that each step you take in honoring Jack helps make this time more bearable. I love you!

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