Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Weekend

We are packing to get ready to go to Valdosta for Easter weekend. We always have a big family lunch out at "the farm". And all the kids hunt for eggs. We have a lot of little kiddos with Griffin and her cousins and some friends from church. This year will be bitter sweet. Last year I rember being pregnant at Easter, and hopping that this time next year we have have our sweet little Jack with us. Tomorrow is the 10th and he would have been 10 months old.

I think that all the events in my family's life, even happy ones will be tinged with a saddness of our little guy missing. We took Griffin to Disney a couple of weeks ago and that feeling of loss or void was there that followed us. We still laughed and had fun, but my mind kept wandering to "What if Jack were here with us? What would he think of all this?" I guess I just have to think of him smiling down on us from Heaven, and feel him with us in our hearts.

Hope you all have a great Easter and enjoy time with family and/or friends.

PS. Griffin in flower girl dress is for next May 2010. Ryan's sister is getting married, and I found a possible flower girl dress a little early. So it is still a little too big for her. I thought she looked so cute I played around with the SmileBox program to send pics to my sister-in-law to see if she liked the dress. Thought I would link it to the blog just to see if it would work.

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