Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Racing for Jack

This Sunday the 7th me, Janine, Missy, Allison, and several friends from church are doing a 3 mile race called "The Festival of Lights" in downtown Jacksonville area. It is actually in an area called San Marco. It should be really fun. The race is at night and everyone wears Jingle Bells on their shoes and everything is decorated for Christmas. Janine came over tonight and we painted T-shirts in memory of Jack. They say Merry Christmas Jack 2008. We Love you! Griffin even decorated one for her and "Bubby". That is what she calls Jack. Anyway the race is for the Children's Miracle Network, and me and Janine decided it would be a great way to honor Jack and keep his memory with us through the holidays. I will post pictures next week of us at the race. I hope you all are having wonderful holidays and enjoying your family and loved ones.
Sincerely, Amanda

"Silent night! Holy night! All is calm, all is bright. Sleep in Heavenly peace!"
Baby Jack,
I know you are feeling so much calm and so much peace now. I miss you so much it hurts, but I will see you again some day.
Goodnight sweet Jack. I love you Baby!!!! XOXOXO Your Mommy


Patience Lawson said...

I soooo wish I could come do the race with you!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

what a great way to honor Jack. I know he is proud of you and how strong you, Ryan and Griffin are. Just take it one day at a time. Can't wait to see the pictures.

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