Monday, July 28, 2008

The Pregnancy

Last October we found out we were expecting our second baby, and of course we were filled with excitement and joy. Our two-year old daughter (at that time), Griffin, was overjoyed about becoming a big sister. It started with the typical 2 months of morning sickness and tired out of my mind. I was still teaching school and chasing around a busy 2 year old, but things were going very well. Blood test came back normal, and we even had a 16 week ultra sound that showed we were having a girl. January came around and so did our 20 week ultra sound and check up. We went in so excited to see our baby. The ultra sound tech said everyhting was looking good, it did look like we were having girl, and then she said "Does anyone in your family have Club Feet? I think you baby has club feet." My heart dropped I had no idea what that even was. OF course I went and searched the Internet to find out. (i do NOT recomend seraching the Internet for medical cases, always WORSE cases including pictures) So then I cried for three days. The docs referred us to an ultra sound specialist here in Jacksonville. The Regional Obstetric Consultants (aka "The ROC"). We had no idea what we were getting into. I had just come to terms with the feet issues and the threapy that would be needed to fix our baby's feet. So we show up for the appointment and they begin the ultra sound. Theyar spending way too much time on the baby's hear tand brain without saying too much to us. That is when i ask them, "Is everything okay with the heart and brain?" The Dr. stops and says, "I'm afraid that there are multiple problems here and things do not look good." I about had a heart attack and Ryan just fell into the chair beside me with a thud. It was the last thing we ever expected to hear.

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