Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Prayers and Faith

After that ultra sound we began a roller coaster of good news and bad news. At first his heart was bad, then good, then we were told he would need open heart surgery. It was always something. Then as we got farther along our ultra sounds showed that we were actually having a boy. We started getting very excited and hopeful, and scared at the same time. The prayers began and continued all over the country: Florida, Kansas, Georgia (including a local prison ministry of 150 inmates), Montana, Texas. Then spread around the world: A teacher friend of mine spent the summer in Greece and she and her mother lit a candle for Jack and our family at their church. Family and friends prayed and friends and family of our friends and family prayed. People who did not even know us prayed for us and followed our story. Everyone began cheering for Baby Boy Lee as he began to prove doctors wrong time and time again. Our doctors did not think we would survive pregnancy much less birth and life after birth. But our GOD IS SO GOOD! He gave us blessing both big and small just when we felt overwhelmed. I remember Ryan and I had just received some bad news from a doctor and we sat at our kitchen table crying, and felt like giving up. Then the phone rang and it was my Dad's friend Craig from Valdosta. I had only met him once or twice. Ryan answered the phone and Craig began to pray for us and quote the most beautiful scripture that we needed to hear at that moment. Needless to say it was a pick me up straight from God. These kind of things happened over and over. We had numerous people call and pray with us over the phone. Our preacher Ken Mick and two of our elders from Argyle church of Christ came and prayed with us. It was a beautiful experience that we will never forget. We truly felt God with us in that moment. We want to thank Argyle COC, Central Avenue COC, Mullinville COC, Grace Chapel COC, and many others around the contry for their support, prayers, cards, and phone calls. Thank you also for supporting our families that attend those churches.

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