Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Short version!!!!

I typed out this very long update on my new job, Ryan's job, Griffin school and ballet....and then it just dissappeared. So here is the short version. I'm ready to go to bed and its getting late.
New job, 15 hours a week in the guidance office at my old school, Mandarin Oaks Elelementary.
LOVE IT!!! Love Shelia and love Pam. They are awesome to work with. Teaching me so much.
I work 3 days a week. 5 hours each of the 3 days. I still have time to hang out with Griffin. We have a blast, laugh and cry daily when we talk about Baby Jack. We miss him so much!! I'm glad that she and I have this time to work on trying to heal.

Pre-school 2 days a week. She loves it. She knows her colors, shapes, many of her letters. We are still working on recognizing her numbers. She can count all day long, but can't tell you what a 5 looks like. We are getting there!!! She loves to sing, laugh, and play.
Favorite songs are: Jesus Loves ME, Beyonce Knowles "All the Single Ladies" HAHA I know!!!
She also like Natasha Beddingfield "Take Me Away" AKA the butterfly song. She is just a joy. She makes me laugh and she drives me crazy.

Staying busywith work. Doing a lot of overtime. HE has started more and more side work for friends, family, and church people. He really likes his boss Mike, who has been so good to us. I'm very proud of what all Ryan has learned in the past 3 years. He really enjoys being a commercial plumber.

Will write more later and post new pics. Gotta go to bed.


The Holtons said...

Long or short-I am glad you are all finding your way into your lives again. How great that you found such I neat job, I know you will be super! Love ya-Ginny

Anonymous said...

Glad you are enjoying your new job. Crazy thing... a friend of my aunt Tammie met you when you guys went to Ryan's parents! Diane (last name I don't know) from church. She & my aunt have been friends for years and so she said she asked you if you knew me... so wild! Anyway, my aunt emailed me today to tell me all about it.

Thought about you last night... we were in JAX for the Eagles concert. We ate at Cross Creek for supper - not one of my most favorite places, but Ryan loves it.

Hope you guys have a great weekend.

Love you!

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