Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quote from Beth Moore Study

My friend Shannon and I were talking yesterday about Jack and her sweet baby Olivia, who is also in Heaven. I shared with her some of what I was feeling and she sent me this quote:

It's from the Beth Moore study A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place.

...Some Christians think God doesn't care whether our bodies are in shape or, frankly, what we do with them. That is simply not true. I'll always remember the words of a very good friend who lost a precious two-year-old son in an accident. I returned a few weeks after the funeral to minister to her in her tremendous pain. Instead, I learned a lot myself. She told me that as she stood over the casket, many well-meaning family members and friends said: "Ginny, walk away from it. He's not there anymore." Some of those same persons even dissuaded her from visiting the grave site to take fresh flowers: "He's not there, Ginny. He's with Jesus."She said: "Beth, I knew he wasn't in there anymore. I knew that better than anyone. I also know that his little soul and spirit are not in that grave. I know that! But the body that came from my own, that I held and kissed, the hair I washed and brushed, the hand I secured in mine as we walked across the street, the face I cherished, and the frame I rocked were in there. And I loved them!"Those were the most honest words I have ever heard a grieving person utter. If my friend - a mother made of flesh and blood who has relatively limited capabilities to love - could make such a statement, how much more our limitless Heavenly Father loves His children, our bodies and all! We are the works of His hands!

The words in BOLD sum up exactly how I feel. God help me! Amanda


MJN6 said...

I am continuing to lift you up in prayer. Love you. Mrs. Mary Jo

ma said...

Thanks for sharing Amanda. I will be praying for you and your family. Mrs. Mary Jo's mother.

Jill said...

I love you and am praying for you!
Jill Bridges

Patience Lawson said...

Amanda, I think about you all the time. You are in my constant prayers. Love you!

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