Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jack's Weight Update

Nurse Janine came today to weigh Jack, and guess what...He is 5 pounds 10 1/2 oz. WOW! This boy is growing. He is so busy growing and eating that he does not sleep very long. I feel like a Zombie Mom. But I am so thankful that he is doing so well. Just a quick update tonight, very sleepy! Oh yeah, Griffin starts her ballet/tap class tomorrow. We are very excited. Will post more pics soon.
Goodnight ;0 (yawning)


sara jackson said...

I know you are so happy with the weight gain. That is always very exciting. Get your rest girl, you NEED it.

The Holtons said...

Glad Jack is gaining weight! Hope he continues to improve. Nothing improves your faith and prayer life like a problem with your baby!!! I KNOW! You have been in my prayers. Ginny

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