Thursday, August 21, 2008

Surviving Hurricane FAY

So far the weather has not been too terrible. Lots of wind and rain. Mom has been here with me helping with Jack and Griffin. Mom and I went to Wal-Mart and Walgreens and stocked up on water, diapers, baby formula, and snacks. Thankfully Jack's oxygen does not require electricity and his feeding pump is battery operated. We have it charging at all time, just in case. If the battery runs out, we know how to use a gravity feed that does not require anything but a syringe and gravity. Man...Ryan and I will have our real life medical degree before too long.
I am thankful that Ryan has a few days off for us to have some family time. We are having a good time together. We just got some mail and our Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Kathy from Montana just sent a special package for Griffin. She tore into the box and found an AMAZING pairs of cowgirl boots. She shouted "Hannah Montana boots!" Then she began singing, "Nobody's perfect. I gotta work it again and again till I get it right." She is stylin' now. Also see picture of Griffin and after getting home from the hospital.


MJN6 said...

Sounds like you all are enjoying the stormy weather there. Glad Jack is doing good. Love you. MJN

Anonymous said...

Love those Hannah Montana boots Griffin! My girls would love to sing along with you. Who knows, they could have their own "Southern Harmony", ha!ha!. Glad you guys are fairing the weather. It has rained ALOT here.

Love ya!

Jenn S. said...

Aw! Griffin is such a good big sister! I love all the beautiful pictures of Jack. I'm glad to hear everything is going well and you have braved the storm. Love you and miss you lots and lots!

Bev said...

Amanda, your children are so cute, I'm glad Jack is here and doing beter from hishospital stay. We had 2 stay-in-the-house days from the storm, I have renewed respect for Mrs. Noah and to think she didn't have cable! Griffin, love those boots. Take care XO Steve&Beverly

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